This video shows the trader how to complete a Supplementary Declaration (SDI) for controlled goods at a consignment level, and details what is required if the consignment includes controlled goods such as Firearms or Sanitary and Phytosanitary goods, amongst others. The SDI is required to be completed no later than the 4th working day of the following month.
Note: This video recording is accurate at the time of recording, however please refer to the written guidance on NICTA for the most up to date information.
Transcript of this video:
00:00 – Welcome to this overview of the Trader Support Service Portal and how to complete a supplementary declaration for controlled goods. In this video, we will take you through how to submit the details on the goods movement at the consignment level. As an importer, you will receive an email notification to say that a supplementary declaration is required. Select declarations in the banner and navigate into the supplementary declarations drafts section. Select the reference number to open the form and add the required details. This opens at the consignment level, and if you do have any questions when completing the supplementary declaration, then either use the guide here or select get help at the top of the page. The previous movement information section provides an overview of the declaration references for the entry summary and associated simplified frontier declaration as well as the arrival location, date and time, and transport document reference number. If required, you can use the unique number to find the associated declaration by consignment. Navigating down the page, you can see that some of the details have already been added from the entry summary and the subsequent simplified frontier declaration. You can add further information to the supplementary declarations as required. Mandatory fields will be denoted with a red star and in certain cases, additional fields may need to be populated. Refer to the data guide for more details for when each field is needed.
01:34 – When submitting the entry summary declaration, the controlled goods’ question was set to yes, and therefore, it will show as yes in the supplementary declaration as a non-editable field. If the controlled goods’ question was set as no in the original declaration, but controlled goods were moved in this consignment, then you will be able to update this field to yes. On the any procedures not currently supported by TSS question, if all items in the consignment are being released into free circulation or are for home use with the additional procedure codes as defined here and no previous procedures, then select no to this question. If one or more items in the consignment don’t fit the criteria defined, then select yes. You can then add the details to the supplementary declaration at this time. However, you will be advised by the trader support service to submit the declaration at a later date.
02:36 – The party section confirms the importer and exporter EORI numbers. In the transport details section, the information will be transferred from the initial entry summary declaration and simplified declaration. The trader reference field is also found in the entry summary declaration and simplified declaration. Any information entered into this field will be copied across to the supplementary declaration in the trader reference field here. This is a free text field in the supplementary declaration that enables you to add reference information for your own use and will help you track declarations against your commercial records. If you do amend the trader reference here, then it won’t be populated back into the entry summary or the simplified frontier declaration.
03:27 – In the header additions deductions section on the form are freight insurance and VAT adjustment fields and the associated currency fields. These are used to enter specific types of additions at the consignment level, which are then apportioned to the individual items in the declaration relative to their value. If you do need to make additions and deductions for freight charges, insurance, all VAT adjustments, add the required details here. Where deductions or different types of additions need to be added to this declaration at the consignment level, then they can be added at the bottom of the page here in the header additions deductions tab. Additions and deductions specific to individual items can be declared at the item level in the declaration goods section. Refer to the supplementary declaration guide for more information.
04:23 – In the invoices and goods section, if you are moving your goods into a customs warehouse, enter the relevant code in the customs warehouse, identify a field, and select the associated supervising customs office from the selection list. Add the total invoice amount for the consignment, and the associated currency is selectable from the drop-down. If your invoice is in a different currency and you have a defined exchange rate on that contract that isn’t variable at the exchange rate from that currency to pound sterling here, the INCOTERM is selectable from the list. And in this example, I’m going to select delivery duty paid. The goods location will default to the port of arrival, and the delivery location country is copied directly from the entry summary and simplified declaration. Add the town the goods were delivered to into the delivery location in town field.
05:22 – The postponed VAT accounting field will default to no. If you are using postponed VAT accounting, then adjust to yes and enter the associated VAT reference number here. Once all the details have been added to the form, then select the Save button. There is a separate tab for header additions deductions for this consignment. So in addition to the three fields above, if there are any deductions or further additions that need to be made at the consignment level, then select the New button here and add the details to the form. This includes the amount that will be added or deducted in the header, additions deductions value field, and the relevant code can be selected from the drop-down options available. Select Save to save any additional header additions deductions, as required, and navigate back to the supplementary declaration. Select that reference number at the top of the page here.
06:26 – The header, previous documents, summarises the previous document types, references, and classes relating to this consignment. Where additional previous documents are required, select New to open the form and add the details. This includes the goods item identifier, the previous document class, the previous document type which can be selected from the drop-downs and the associated previous document reference. Select Save to save any changes or navigate back to the supplementary declaration using the reference. The holder of authorisations tab holds the trader support service authorisations for this consignment. To add your own authorisations when using special customs procedures, then select the New button to open the form. Add the associated authorisation type code from the selection list and the authorisation role ID. Once entered, select Save, then navigate back to the supplementary declaration using the reference number at the top of the page. The duty total will be populated when the duty lines have been calculated for the items in this consignment.
07:37 – If you do have electronic documents that will need to be added to the supplementary declaration at the consignment level, navigate to the top of the page here and select the paperclip icon to add the attachments. Navigate in your folder structure to find the associated document, and then once selected, select open, and that will attach it to the supplementary declaration. That concludes this video on how to submit a supplementary declaration for controlled goods at the consignment level. If you do require further information then please visit the Northern Ireland Customs & Trade Academy website. There you will find further detailed guidance and support on the supplementary declaration process.