To assist the trader in adding either singular or multiple declarations to the Goods Movement Record.
00:00 – Welcome to this overview on how to add an Entry In Declarant’s Records declaration to a GMR. If you have received an EORI number in your simplified frontier declaration notification email, select Entry In Declarant’s Records (EIDR), then Continue. On the next screen, you’ll be asked to input an EORI number. Add the EORI number provided by the trader’s support service in your simplified frontier declaration confirmation email, then select Continue. Next, you will be asked to enter an entry summary (safety and security) declaration. Enter the associated ENS movement reference number for the consignment, which you received in your TSS ENS notification email. This is the 18-character reference starting with 21xi for 2021. Click on Continue, and on the next page, you will see the declaration and any other declarations already added to this GMR. If you are moving multiple consignments, to add a further consignment declaration to your GMR, click Add another declaration and follow the same steps. In this example, we will add another EIDR consignment with the associated MRN. Add the associated EORI reference number, then Continue. Add the entry summary (safety and security) MRN number, then Continue. Remember that each consignment added should reference the unique SFT EORI and ENS MRN in the email you received. You will need to add a declaration reference for every consignment, and you can attach more than one ENS number to the same SFT EORI. Click on Add another declaration to add a new declaration. Once all declarations have been added, please refer to the video on how to finalise the GMR before goods movement.
To assist the trader in adding either singular or multiple declarations to the Goods Movement Record.