Start using XI EORIs through the Trader Support Service

The TSS Portal now accepts XI EORIs 

Last month’s update to CDS (the HMRC system to which your information is submitted from the TSS Portal) now provides the functionality to use XI EORIs. Therefore, you should start using your XI EORI with immediate effect when making declarations for goods movements into and out of Northern Ireland (NI).

Steps you need to take: 

  1. Ensure your company profile in TSS is updated with the correct XI EORI number and its related authorisations, for example, UKIMS authorisation. 
  2. If a third party submits your Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) in the TSS Portal, advise them to start using your XI EORI.
  3. If your supplier arranges movements for you, please inform them of your XI EORI so they can let the appropriate party know. 


If you do not have an XI EORI, you can apply now 

You can still apply for an XI EORI if your business is not based (‘established’) in Northern Ireland, but you need an EORI number to make certain declarations or act as a carrier, for example. 

If your business is not based in the country you’re moving goods to or from, you should still get an EORI number if you’re: 

  • Making a customs declaration for transit
  • Making a customs declaration for temporary admission
  • Applying for a customs decision
  • Making an entry summary declaration
  • Making an exit summary declaration
  • Making a temporary storage declaration
  • Getting a customs guarantee for temporary admission or re-export declarations
  • Acting as a carrier for transporting goods by sea, inland waterway or air
  • Acting as a carrier connected to the customs system and you want to get notifications regarding the lodging or amendment of entry summary declarations
  • Established in a common transit country where the declaration is lodged instead of an entry summary declaration or is used as a pre-departure declaration

Apply at Get an EORI number: Apply for an EORI number on GOV.UK. 


If you are registered for the UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) 

The EORI number you enter in the importers field on your ENS declarations must match that of the UKIMS authorisation you intend to declare on your Supplementary or Full Frontier Declaration. 

If you intend to use your UKIMS authorisation, you will need to provide the EORI number under which your UKIMS authorisation was registered to the person who submits the ENS on your behalf. You can find the EORI number on your UKIMS authorisation letter from HMRC. 


If you have not applied for your UKIMS authorisation 

You should apply for this as soon as possible using your XI EORI if you have one. To use your UKIMS authorisation on the TSS Portal, make sure your TSS company profile is updated with your UKIMS authorisation letter. 


If you are declaring goods ‘not at risk’

To continue submitting declarations using the NIREM code to declare your goods ‘not at risk’, you will need to apply for authorisation for the UK Internal Market Scheme using your XI EORI


If you use your Duty Deferment Account (DDA) for movements into Northern Ireland

HMRC wrote to advise that if you are moving goods into Northern Ireland (NI) and Great Britain (GB), you will need to ensure you have a separate DDA for both types of movements.

If you currently use your GB DDA to move goods into both NI and GB, for movements into NI you’ll need to apply for a new XI DDA using your XI EORI and backed by Customs Comprehensive Guarantee (CCG). You should do this as soon as possible as it could take several weeks. 

For more information, visit How to set up an account to defer duty payments when you import goods on GOV.UK. You can then keep your GB DDA for GB movements and use it to close any current or outstanding supplementary declarations in TSS where your GB EORI is used in the importer field. 


Further help and support 

If you would like support or further information on what you need to do, please contact TSS Contact Centre on 0800 060 8888 (0800 060 8988 for Welsh speakers)

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