If you receive error code CDS40013

Information to help you resolve this error code

If you notice the CDS error code ‘CDS40013’ when completing your Supplementary Declaration, you will have entered an invalid value, such as an invalid commodity code. The error message will point to the field that should be reviewed.

The resolution varies based on the field containing the error. Please refer to the relevant row for each field in the Data guide: TSS declaration data requirements on NICTA and follow the guidance correctly, considering any nuances that arise from your movement. You can use the online tariff tool on GOV.UK to find a valid commodity code or search in the relevant appendix in Volume 3 of the tariff, which has a list of codes that may be used in that field.

If you are unfamiliar with error codes within the TSS system, please review this short video guide on what they are, how they are identified within the system, and how to interpret the information when an error code is presented to you. We also have written guidance that provides information on common error codes and how to resolve them:

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